8th of November 2023

Dear Ones in Christ:

Over the past few weeks, the world has seen the horrors taking place in Gaza. We have been a collective witness to the deaths of nearly 10,000 people, almost half of them children. The Order mourns with His Eminence Archbishop Alexios of Tiberias, with the Patriarchate of Jerusalem, and the whole of the people of Palestine. We grieve the deaths of the innocent, and for the 20 or so Chrisitan Martyrs who were killed at Saint Porphyrios Orthodox Church in Gaza City on the 20th of October. We are comforted by the knowledge that Christ Our God has welcomed them into His loving embrace, that He has wiped away every tear from their eyes, and has made an eternal place for them within the Holy Habitations of Heaven to be amongst His Saints.

There has never been a time more profound to stand shoulder to shoulder with our Christian brothers and sisters across the Middle East than this current moment. The destiny of the Orthodox Christians of the Holy Land and Levant lays with those of us living in the comfort and security of the West. We need to be their hope, we need to be their courage, we need to be their voice, and we need to be their steady arm. This is our responsibility as a free people. The Order of Saint George Great Martyr is and will remain their strongest supporter!

The Order exists to help the Christians who are suffering and persecuted and to stand with them in firm solidarity. As Saint Paul tells the Christians in Corinth: “… if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it; or if one member is honored, all the members rejoice with it.”

The Order takes very seriously its desire to see full dignity, human rights, and freedom for all Orthodox Christians regardless of where they live. Our desire is for the Order to be of perpetual service to the needs of the Orthodox Christians of the Holy Land and Levant and for the Churches of Jerusalem, Antioch, and Alexandria to understand that they are not alone but have people who love and support them. Their joy is our joy, and their sorrow is our sorrow, and we are with them to the ends of the earth!

The Order asks that we put aside our egos and personal interests and instead serve the glory of Christ, the glory of His Church, and the glory of His Gospel. This Order belongs not to us, but rather to Christ, as it is His alone under His primordial ascendancy as King of Kings and Lord of Heaven and Earth.

Will you join with the Holy Orthodox Order of Saint George the Great Martyr in not letting our people be forgotten? Will you stand with us and be a light that helps brighten their darkness and bring comfort to their sorrow? They need our sincere help. We cannot abandon them!

Your faithful brother and servant in Christ,

Konstantine Pandolfi E.M.

1 thought on “A message from the Head of the Holy Order of Saint George the Great Martyr

  1. A beautiful, heartfelt, and timely expression of precisely my commitment as a member of the Holy Orthodox Order of Saint George the Great Martyr. Thank.

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