20 October 2023
For Immediate Release

It is with a thankful heart that the Holy Order of Saint George the Great Martyr can verify that the initial estimates of the death toll at Saint Porphyrios were incorrect. At the time of publication, there are approximately 20-25 people confirmed dead, at least half of whom are children. The names that have been released can be found here. Both Archbishop Christophoros of Amman and the Palestinian Office of the Interior have confirmed these numbers. While we rejoice that the loss of life was far less than initially estimated, our hearts are heavy that lives were lost at all.

The Order of St. George is partnered with the parish and community of Saint Porphyrios Greek Orthodox Church (Jerusalem Patriarchate) and has established a fund to help survivors of this devastating war rebuild their lives and meet their basic needs. Of your charity, please consider contributing to this fund.

The funds raised will also go towards repairing the places of worship that were damaged because their clergy kept the churches open and remained to provide physical and spiritual aid to those in need, in the truest sense of Christianity. The Christian faith began here, in the Holy Land. We must keep that faith and love alive, vibrant, and active now during this crisis.

The deaths of these martyrs at St. Porphyrios will not be in vain, but will instead be the means of rekindling our own faith and love as we pray for them, for Palestine, and for all who suffer in this war. The Order of St. George is committed to raising money in their memory for a better and more peaceful Palestine.

Please pray for them, and for those who still suffer on this earth while this terrible war rages.

O Lord of Hosts, be with us, for we have no other help in times of adversity than Thee.
O Lord of Hosts have mercy on us!

Through the prayers of St. Porphyrios of Gaza and St. George the Great Martyr and Victory-Bearer, Lord have mercy.

is a nonprofit tax deductible 501(c)(3) public charity and is fully under the
supreme spiritual care of the Orthodox Church.

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The Holy Orthodox Order of
Saint George the Great Martyr
270 Deer Run Trail
Manchester, Connecticut, USA 06042

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