As we embark upon this season of the Nativity Fast, I am reminded of the strangeness of the world in which we live. There seems to be an abundance of food. However, the means by which to acquire it is often lacking for many people around the world.

In the Orthodox Christian faith, this is a time of thanksgiving, a time of reflection, and a time of sobriety in which we prepare to celebrate the Birth of our Lord Jesus Christ in both word and deed. We are thankful for the gift of a Savior, given to us out of love that we may not fall victim to the adversary and his ways. We also remember the Scriptures which guide us to remember the poor, the hungry, the widowed, and the orphan. As James 1:27 says, this is true religion.

Dear friends, the need this season is great, and the laborers are few. I would like to ask you to prayerfully consider our own brothers and sisters who are affected by poverty, war, and famine – people who may not even know if they will eat today or if they will even be alive tomorrow.

The Holy Orthodox Order of Saint George the Great Martyr is standing in the gap for those whose voices would not otherwise be heard. We are providing the means by which food can be delivered to the hungry. We bring hope along with supplies to those who suffer throughout the world. This is our mission, but we need your help. Your prayerful contribution could ease the suffering of many who would otherwise starve. We need you. They need us.

Don’t let this Christmas go by without considering being a force for good in the world. Generosity is a form of the highest wisdom, as what we do for the least of these who are before us, we do also unto Christ.

Fr. Benedict Simpson

is a nonprofit tax deductible 501(c)(3) public charity and is fully under the
supreme spiritual care of the Orthodox Church.

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