Man dead at Saint Porphyrios Church

Memory Eternal Hani Suheil Abu Dawoud

Hani Suhail Abu Dawoud died Thursday as a result of a chronic kidney disease that could not be treated due to the ongoing hostilities in Gaza, which meant that he could not receive the dialysis that he needed. May his memory be eternal, and may God give comfort to all those who loved him, especially his wife and two children. He never got to hold his youngest child; a daughter born less than three weeks ago.

With a heavy heart, we bring you news of another tragic and preventable death at Saint Porphyrios Orthodox Church in Gaza.

Hani Suhail Abu Dawoud died Thursday as a result of a chronic kidney disease. He could not receive treatment due to the ongoing hostilities in Gaza, which left no facilities to provide the dialysis that he needed. May his memory be eternal, and may God give comfort to all those who loved him, especially his wife and two children. He never got to hold his youngest child; a daughter born less than three weeks ago.

Dawoud was the ninth person to die in Saint Porphyrios due to the lack of medical care during this war. He is the 27th person of the 500 sheltering there to die since the beginning of this war, 118 days ago. 

Sources report that Dawoud was not able to be buried by the Church at this time because of the ongoing siege. The Church has asked the hospital to bury him temporarily until the war ends. At that time, his body can be dug up to be given a proper Orthodox funeral. 

Please pray for the repose of his soul. Pray for his family, who should be rejoicing in the birth of their beautiful daughter, not mourning their husband and father. Pray to end this war.

The Order of Saint George is continuing to raise funds for the community at Saint Porphyrios Orthodox Church, including the cost of burials. We can only provide this assistance with your prayerful and generous support and contributions.

is a nonprofit tax deductible 501(c)(3) public charity and is fully under the
supreme spiritual care of the Orthodox Church.

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