We are now approaching the fourth week of Great and Holy Lent. During this time, I would like to make a lenten appeal and direct your attention to our Orthodox Christian brothers and sisters in Gaza. These Christians are suffering in a region torn apart by genocide and war. Many of them have lost most of their family members. Almost none have a home left to return to. While we sit in the relative decadence of our own lenten journeys, they daily lack things we struggle to give up Please do not become too comfortable in the luxury of your distance. Rather, throughout this lenten period, be awake and attentive to the situation in the Holy Land.

It is important to understand that the Christian people of the Gaza Strip are under a direct and brutal military occupation and have lost their family members, homes, possessions, and way of life. Several families in the war-torn region have approached the order seeking financial assistance. However, as an organization, we cannot focus on the needs of one or two individual families. We must, rather, focus on the needs of the collective whole under the spiritual care of Archbishop Alexios. 

To date, the Order has raised well over $100,000. We are very thankful for every donation that has come in. It is also important to remember that much more is needed to help rehabilitate our brothers and sisters. During this period of fasting and almsgiving, please consider partnering with the Order. Your tax-deductible donations directly assist the needs of the Christians in Gaza.

The Holy Orthodox Order of Saint George the Great Martyr is the only authorized International Non-Governmental Organization blessed to raise funds for the Orthodox Christians of Gaza. This is per the direct and public blessing of Archbishop Alexios of Tiberias, the ruling Orthodox hierarch in Gaza.

As always, the Order remains committed to the community at St. Porphyrios Orthodox Church, to Archbishop Alexios of Tiberias, to the Christians of Gaza, to the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem, and to all the Orthodox Christians who live and breathe across the Holy Land and Middle East. This lenten appeal will benefit the community in and around St. Porphyrios Orthodox Church in Gaza.

Your brother and co-servant in Christ,

Konstantine Pandolfi E.M.

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