The Order condemns unequivocally the killing of Nahida and Samar Anton. These two innocent...
Since October 7th the Order has focused its energy and attention on the community...
Saint Porphyrios, Gaza City 12/02/2023 The Order was able to speak to our contacts...
As we embark upon this season of the Nativity Fast, I am reminded of...
As head of the Order, I am writing to you now, at 5 minutes...
It is Thanksgiving in America. If you are reading from the United States, there...
15th of October 2023 As of this morning, Wednesday, October 15th, we know that... 8th of November 2023 Dear Ones in Christ: Over the past few weeks,...
7 November 2023Gaza City The Holy Order of St. George last spoke with Archbishop...
Diakonissa Maria PowellDame Commander, Order of Saint George the Great MartyrDirector of Public Relations...