The Order’s Relic of Saint George

On the 22nd of November 2022, a sizable first-class relic of the Holy Great Martyr George the Victory-Bearer was gifted to the Order. This sacred relic of our patron saint is 1 ½ inches in length and appears to be a phalange bone from one of the saint’s hands.

The relic is currently on temporary display for veneration at Saint George Greek Orthodox Cathedral in Hartford, CT, where both Orthodox and non-Orthodox Christians are free to venerate this holy and sacred object. 

As the custodians of the relic, the Order will be collecting monetary donations to commission a more appropriate reliquary to house this particle of Saint George the Great Martyr. If you have an affinity to Saint George and would like to donate to this cause, please write for “the relic of Saint George”.  

Those donations made in the name or memory of a loved one will be remembered annually during the Proskomedia on the feast day of Saint George.

What is a first-class relic? 

A first-class relic is any part of the saint, such as bone or hair. 

What is a second-class relic? 

A second-class relic is any article of clothing, jewelry or any physical possession  owned by the saint and used in daily life. 

What is a third-class relic?

A third-class relic is any object touched to a first or second-class relic.  

NOTE: The selling of relics or any holy or sacred object is immoral and sinful and is called “simony”. While it is wrong to sell relics, it is permissible to buy them if doing so would save the relic from desecration.

is a nonprofit tax deductible 501(c)(3) public charity and is fully under the
supreme spiritual care of the Orthodox Church.

Contacting the Order


Media Inquiries/Public Relations:


General Information:

The Holy Orthodox Order of
Saint George the Great Martyr
270 Deer Run Trail
Manchester, Connecticut, USA 06042

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