The following currently constitutes the Grand Magistry and the international government of the Holy Orthodox Order of Saint George the Great Martyr:
The Grand Knight, who is the temporal head of the Order; and the Sovereign Council which assists and advises him.
The basic structure of the Order from the lowest authority locally to the highest authority internationally is:
1. The Commandery
2. The Priory
3. The Grand Priory
4. The Grand Magistry
At the national level, each Commandery shall be subject to the jurisdiction of a regional Priory. Priories are subject to the jurisdiction of a Grand Priory. All Grand Priories are subject to the jurisdiction of the Grand Magistry with the Grand Knight as its temporal head.
Within a Grand Priory the Grand Knight has the exclusive and obligatory right to appoint its Grand Prior. The Grand Prior acts not only as the personal representative of the Grand Knight within the respective nation in which the Order is established, but due to the honor of the office, is its most senior figure.
The Grand Prior’s chief responsibility is to ensure that all matters and activities of the Grand Priory are properly performed in full accordance with the Order’s Constitution. The Commanderies of the Order are headed and chaired by a Commandery Officer elected by the Orthodox members of the Commandery and approved by the Prior.