With sadness and heavy hearts, the Order once again announces the deaths of two more men from the Orthodox Christian community in Gaza. Yesterday, the Order was informed by the secretary of Archbishop Alexios of the following two reposed souls: Mr. Saliba Fouad Tarzi and Mr. Serbion Wadee il Turk.

With sadness and heavy hearts, the Order once again announces the deaths of two more men from the Saint Porphyrios Orthodox Church in Gaza.

Yesterday, the Order was informed by the secretary of Archbishop Alexios of the following two reposed souls: Mr. Saliba Fouad Tarzi and Mr. Serbion Wadee il Turk.

These deaths bring the known death toll to 27 individuals from the community of Saint Porphyrios.

Saliba Fouad Tari

According to sources, Mr. Saliba Fouad Tarzi died of old age inside the church compound on March 10th. Archbishop Alexios’s secretary emphasized that Mr. Tarzi’s death was natural. It was not in any way connected to the ongoing brutal war and occupation by Israeli Forces. May his memory be eternal!

Serbion Wadee Il Turk

The second to die was 18-year-old Serbion Wadee Il Turk, dying from an accident inside the Holy Family Catholic Church. According to the Archbishop’s secretary, a Catholic nun had asked for Serbion’s help in cleaning the church. He was doing this when he lost his balance and fell. Serbion was in a coma for two days before succumbing to his injuries.

Serbion was an Orthodox Christian and a parishioner of Saint Porphyrios. Like many, he and his family had taken refuge where they could. The Church of the Holy Family opened their doors to them, welcomed them, and helped care for their basic needs. The Order will not forget this, and we are grateful for their kindness and generosity given towards the Orthodox who sought refuge with them.

Please join the Order in praying for their souls, and for those who still suffer on this earth while this terrible war rages.

O Lord of Hosts, be with us, for we have no other help in times of adversity than Thee. O Lord of Hosts have mercy on us!

Through the prayers of St. Porphyrios of Gaza and St. George the Great Martyr and Victory-Bearer, Lord have mercy!

The Order remains committed to the community of Saint Porphyrios, to Archbishop Alexios of Tiberias, to the Christians of Gaza, to the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem, and to all the Orthodox Christians who live and breathe across the Holy Land.

is a nonprofit tax deductible 501(c)(3) public charity and is fully under the
supreme spiritual care of the Orthodox Church.

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